HEART to YOU FES / Talk 28
Characters: Souma, Adonis, Mika, Natsume

Natsume: Welcome to the Mini Game CornER, sponsored by yours truLY... ♪
Natsume: Now, I'll have the three of you recite the magic words written on this piece of papER. Then, alri~ght, staRT!
Souma: I- "ice cream youse cream"... Mmph. Sakasaki-dono, I am incapable of reading this. There is so much "alphabet" lined up side-by-side that it makes me feel dizzy.
Adonis: I'm sorry, but me too. The second half is fine, but the first half has so many kanji in its sentences that I can't read it.
Mika: Redscrollbluescrollyeller... Nnagh~ It's too hard if I jus' try'n do it all outta the blue like that. I mean, this is jus' a tongue twister, ain't it?
Natsume: You won't be able to say it without practiCE; it's similar to a magic speLL.
Natsume: Well thEN, shall we hand out the theme's spell to everyone in the venUE? Whoever can properly recite the incantation will have to receive a priZE...